Saturday, March 3, 2007

May 10th, 2002

To my amazing son,

I guess I have done a pretty lousy job of writing in your journal. I planned on writing in this journal everyday. As you can see, that attempt has failed--for that, I am sorry.
You've grown so much since my last entry. But, still yet, you are still amazing to us. It would be impossible to list the number of new things that you are doing. You started saying "dadadada" Sometimes you just keep saying it. I would like to believe that you are saying it for me, but I know you are not--right now anyway. You feed yourself very well now and sit up too. Of course, you still have a ton of hair. I want to give it a trim, but, your mom want let me. You are taking a nap right now and you sleep very hard. We took a long walk on the Silver Comet Trail...I took more pictures of you.

Your Father,

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