Wednesday, November 19, 2008



The other day one of my students came to me and filled me in on a very bad choice that she and one of her friends made together. They went into a department store and tried to steal clothes, over $600 worth! Of course they were caught, arrested, and turned over to their parents. Now, this was a shock to me because, in class, this young lady is always very pleasant and never has given me any hint that she would ever do something like this. In telling me what she had done, she was very embarrassed and she realized what a horrible mistake she made. Now, she has to pay the consequences. I asked her "why" she made the choice to steal and she simply replied, "because I wanted more clothes." I hope that after this episode, she will make better choices in the future.

My point here is that both of you will be faced with tough choices throughout your lives. As you get older, it 'should' be easier to make the better choice because you will be wiser(in theory). But when you are young, sometimes....well, a lot of times, you just don't think things through, which can lead to making really poor choices. I just want you guys to know that if you are faced with tough choices and you don't know what to do, or you think you are about to make a dumb choice, come to me or your mom. Sometimes it's not smart to let friends dictate your choices or give advice. Having said that, I hope you surround yourself with friends that tend to make the better choices.

This student chose to make the wrong choice because she wanted something that she didn't have the money for. I have news for ya boys...that will probably always be the case. There are going to be times in your life that you want something really bad, a toy, a game, clothes, whatever. And there are going to be times when your mother and I just can't get it for you. I hope that you never feel the need to try and steal something without paying for it. It's just not worth it...ever. I remember, when I was 11 or 12, going into a local department store and cramming my pockets full of little paint bottles for model cars.(I liked putting model cars together). Instead of asking my parents to buy me a couple of bottles, I simply decided to take the colors I needed. I walked out of the store and met my mom and dad outside talking on the sidewalk. They looked at me, my pockets bulging with little paint bottles, and they knew what I had done. (yes, parents have a sixth sense, and I was very obvious too) The look on my parents face was one of disappointment and anger. My mom marched me back into the store and made me put back all the bottles of paint. She bought me one bottle. Of course, when I got home I was punished, a spanking I'm sure; I deserved it. The look of my parents face didn't make me feel good about myself and the choice I made. If I had only asked mom for a bottle of paint, she probably would have gotten it for me...If I would only have asked.

Fellas, if you need or want something, ask.
If you are about to make a dumb decision and you need help with it, come to us before it's too late.

Love you!

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