Sunday, November 30, 2008

Holiday Family Time 2008


This weekend after Thanksgiving, we put up all of our Christmas decorations. Of course you guys were really excited. We have more than 25 days until Christmas but I think we have already watched The Polar Express more than 10 times! LOL. After a while, you guys got a bit distracted and found other stuff to play with. But, for the most part we stayed in the same room together....that is the important part. I hope that you both continue to enjoy and realish the family time that we get to spend together. It sure means a lot to your mom and me. It seems that throughout the year we tend to get a bit distracted and can take family time for granted, but Thanksgiving and Christmas remind us how important our time together is. I look forward to each and ever time, not just the holidays, that we can spend quality family time together.


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