I have a book that I keep for you guys. It's called "Thoughts to Share with a Wonderful Son" It's a book containing poems and other thoughts about the joy of having sons. In the margin, I personally have written some of my own thoughts. I hope you guys find the book and read it. Here is what I wrote on one page:
1. Try to be/live like Jesus Christ. This is hard to do and you will fail because you are wholly human, but He just wants you to try. Let Jesus emancipate you, because you will be in chains until then.
2. Always listen to you mother....Always--no matter how grown you think you are.
3. Always keep your word, because in the end, it's all you really have.
4. Always treat girls/women like princesses because that is what they are.
5. Please stay away from the bad things in life. Stay away from bad people. Surround yourself with good, positive people.
6. Make some money if you get a chance. Life is a lot easier with money. HOWEVER, don't make money the most important thing in your life....Life is so much more than that!
7. With everything you do, just do your best.
8. Learn to lose.
9. Be active, play sports and live clean and healthy. Take care of your's the only one you got! :)
10. Treat all people with respect, no matter who they are or what they believe.
11. Don't smoke!
12. Don't curse!
13. Read, Read, Read! Learn to love words, but also to respect words. They can hurt people too.
14. Be polite.
15. Smile--always
16. Love your brother. Take care of each other. Be there for him, always!
17. Do your best in school--respect your teachers.
18. Don't identify people by the the color of their skin. People have names or other identifying options.
19. Don't think that everything should be given to you. You are not entitled!
20. Do NOT drink while underage. It's just stupid and totally not worth it! Think of everything that you could lose.
21. Drugs are for losers. If you take them, at that moment you will be a loser too; don't be fooled. If you have a friend that offers them, run, don't walk to the nearest exit! Call me!
22. Read your Bible. Know it well. It is THE instruction book for life.
23. Read Shakespeare's works over and over again.
24. See Shakespeare's works over and over again.
25. Apologize if you were wrong.
26. Listen!
27. Express your gratitude.
28. No matter how old you get, say "yes 'mam" and "no 'mam"; "yes sir" and "no sir". It's a respect thing.
29. Think of your own thoughts. Be your own person, not a sheep that follows the fold.
30. Be your brother's keeper! Always.
31. NEVER be afraid or ashamed to tell us anything.
This is not a complete list of course. Maybe I'll keep adding to it.
Your father.